Why does the cypress of my garden have no desire for the meadow? Ghazal 192 by Hafez

Why does the cypress of my garden have no desire for the meadow? Ghazal 192 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 05, 2024

Why does the cypress of my garden have no desire for the meadow? Ghazal 192 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

سروِ چَمانِ من چرا میلِ چمن نمی‌کند؟

همدمِ گل نمی‌شود یادِ سَمَن نمی‌کند


دی گِلِه‌ای ز طُرِّه‌اش کردم و از سرِ فُسوس

گفت که این سیاهِ کج، گوش به من نمی‌کند


تا دلِ هرزه گَردِ من رفت به چینِ زلفِ او

زان سفرِ درازِ خود عزمِ وطن نمی‌کند


پیشِ کمانِ ابرویش لابه همی‌کنم ولی

گوش کشیده است از آن گوش به من نمی‌کند


با همه عطفِ دامنت آیدم از صبا عجب

کز گذرِ تو خاک را مُشکِ خُتَن نمی‌کند


چون ز نسیم می‌شود زلفِ بنفشه پُرشِکَن

وه که دلم چه یاد از آن عَهدْشِکَن نمی‌کند


دل به امیدِ رویِ او همدمِ جان نمی‌شود

جان به هوایِ کویِ او خدمتِ تن نمی‌کند


ساقیِ سیم ساقِ من گر همه دُرد می‌دهد

کیست که تن چو جامِ مِی جمله دهن نمی‌کند؟


دستخوشِ جفا مَکُن آبِ رُخَم که فیضِ ابر

بی‌مددِ سِرشکِ من دُرِّ عَدَن نمی‌کند


کُشتهٔ غمزهٔ تو شد حافظِ ناشنیده پند

تیغ سزاست هر که را دَرد سخن نمی‌کند



English Translation:

Why does the cypress of my garden have no desire for the meadow?
It doesn't become a companion to the rose, nor does it remember the saffron.

Yesterday, I complained about her curl, out of sheer foolishness,
She said that this crooked black thing doesn’t listen to me.

Until my restless heart went to the China of her locks,
From that long journey, it doesn’t have the intention of returning home.

I plead before her arched brow, but in vain,
She has turned a deaf ear to me.

Despite all the attention of your skirt, I am surprised by the breeze,
That it doesn’t make the dust smell like Khutan musk as it passes you.

When the violet's curl becomes disheveled from the breeze,
Alas, how my heart doesn't remember that covenant-breaker.

My heart doesn't become a companion to my soul in hope of her face,
My soul doesn't serve my body for the sake of her street.

My silver-legged cupbearer, even if she gives me all the pain,
Who is there to say that my body, like a wine cup, doesn't open its mouth to all?

Don't mistreat the water of my face, for the cloud's blessing,
Without the help of my tears, doesn't produce Aden pearls.

Hafez, who has been killed by your glance, has not heard advice,
A sword is fitting for whoever doesn't heed the pain of words.

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 12:23 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez expresses his deep longing for a beloved and the pain of unrequited love. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his feelings.

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 12:24 p.m.

Key Themes:

Unrequited Love: The central theme is the poet's unrequited love for a beloved.
Nature Imagery: Hafez uses nature imagery, such as the cypress, rose, and saffron, to symbolize his longing.
The Beloved's Cruelty: The beloved is depicted as cruel and indifferent to the poet's suffering.

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 12:24 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

چَمان: Garden
سَمَن: Saffron
چینِ زلف: Curls of hair
خُتَن: A region in China known for its musk

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 12:24 p.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's love poetry. The poet uses rich imagery and symbolism to convey a sense of longing and despair