With all their love, why is there enmity still?
Alas, my fortune decrees this bitter will.
Oh, my soul, perhaps now you'll learn anew,
Not to wrestle arms adorned with silver hue.
None steps forward without foreseeing the way,
For those with prudent eyes measure where they stay.
The wise and the snare of love are much like
A naive child drawn to a colorful snake's strike.
The pain of separation yields no rest,
Until the grave becomes a pillow for the distressed.
Do not weep for my ruin and fall,
For this isn't the first trial of all.
Patience is essential for enduring this much pain,
For love promises joys a thousandfold in its gain.
Even if you return a thousand bitter replies,
My belief remains steadfast: your sweetness never dies.
Though a man may ensnare a lion with skill,
Once caught, he is helpless and at mercy's will.
Saadi, surrender yourself to annihilation’s embrace,
Against such mighty foes, this is the only grace.