With flowing robes, she would wander in the wine-drinking party, Ghazal 425 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 35 1

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In this ghazāl, Hafez paints a vivid picture of his beloved, using rich imagery and metaphors to describe their beauty and allure. The poet expresses a deep longing for his beloved and fears losing them.

Key Themes:

Divine love: The beloved is often seen as a symbol of the divine in Hafez's poetry.
Beauty and desire: The poet describes the beloved's physical beauty in exquisite detail.
Separation and longing: The poet expresses a deep longing for his beloved and the pain of separation.

English Translation for Ghazal

With flowing robes, she would wander in the wine-drinking party
A hundred moons, out of envy, would tear their pockets

From the heat of the wine's fire, a dewdrop would form on her cheek
Like drops of dew on a rose petal

Eloquent words, a sweet voice, a tall and nimble figure
A delicate, beautiful face, and lovely, captivating eyes

Her life-giving ruby was born from the water of grace
Her graceful cypress was nurtured in luxury

See that captivating ruby, and that heart-stirring smile
And see that delightful gait, and that gentle step

That black-eyed gazelle has escaped from our trap
Friends, what can I do with this wounded heart?

Beware, as much as you can, of hurting the discerning
The world has no loyalty, O light of both eyes

How long shall I endure your reproach from your lovely eyes?
Some day, flirt with me, O chosen companion

If your noble heart is offended by Hafez
Return, for we have repented of what we have said and heard

I will give endless thanks in servitude to the Master
If I can attain that ripe fruit

متن غزل

دامن‌کشان همی‌شد در شرب زرکشیده

صد ماهرو ز رشکش جیب قصب دریده


از تاب آتش می بر گرد عارضش خوی

چون قطره‌های شبنم بر برگ گل چکیده


لفظی فصیح شیرین قدی بلند چابک

رویی لطیف زیبا چشمی خوش کشیده


یاقوت جان‌فزایش از آب لطف زاده

شمشاد خوش‌خرامش در ناز پروریده


آن لعل دلکشش بین وان خنده دل‌آشوب

وان رفتن خوشش بین وان گام آرمیده


آن آهوی سیه‌چشم از دام ما برون شد

یاران چه چاره سازم با این دل رمیده


زنهار تا توانی اهل نظر میازار

دنیا وفا ندارد ای نور هر دو دیده


تا کی کشم عتیبت از چشم دلفریبت

روزی کرشمه‌ای کن ای یار برگزیده


گر خاطر شریفت رنجیده شد ز حافظ

بازآ که توبه کردیم از گفته و شنیده


بس شکر بازگویم در بندگی خواجه

گر اوفتد به دستم آن میوه رسیده

@hamed Oct. 11, 2024, 12:57 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

شرب: drinking
ماهرو: moon-faced (a beautiful person)
عابد: worshipper
لعل: ruby (often used as a metaphor for the lips)

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.