With wisdom, virtue, and piety, such goodness resides, Ghazal 88 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 23 0

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In this ghazal, Saadi reflects on the virtues and captivating qualities of the beloved, praising their unmatched beauty, wisdom, and charm. He portrays the lover’s deep devotion, even to the point of losing self-control, tearing garments in anguish, and navigating the paradoxes of love. The imagery of nature—verdant earth, musky breezes, and pearl-like rain—sets a dreamy, romantic scene, contrasting with the turmoil in the lover’s heart. Saadi concludes with advice on loyalty in love: to remain steadfast and undivided in devotion, for love is a path where reputation and worldly concerns are secondary. The poem weaves passion with a spiritual undertone, encapsulating Saadi’s mastery of blending human love with higher ideals.

English Translation for Ghazal

With wisdom, virtue, and piety, such goodness resides,
Never have I seen a form holding so many sides.

If they dream of a companion, none compares to you,
If they seek a friend in love, no friend is as true.

I’d kiss the dust beneath their feet—let the river take me away,
For lovers’ honor flows toward their beloved, like water in a bay.

Their gaze is enchanting, their words a pure delight,
Their eyebrows and eyes captivate, their manner is light.

When I regain my senses, then I’ll speak of their grace,
But how can I describe in this field where I’m lost in chase?

Friends may chide me for tearing my garment in despair,
But my unfaithful beloved tears my soul—it’s beyond repair.

Green-painted earth, petals scattered by the breeze,
Sweet water, pearl-raining clouds, air scented with musk to please.

Arrows rain upon the mystic; he’s lost in a lover’s sight,
The rival engages in talk, while the lover seeks the light.

Whoever chooses the corner of peace, let them be,
For such a restless soul has found a treasure key.

If you give your eyes to a friend, don’t lend your ears to a foe,
In Saadi’s view, love and good repute are stone and clay to throw.

متن غزل

با خردمندی و خوبی پارسا و نیکخوست

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