Without you, O graceful cypress, what shall I do with roses and gardens? Ghazal 345 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 39 1

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This ghazal by Hafez is a deeply personal and emotional poem. The poet expresses his longing for his beloved, his frustration with the world, and his search for meaning.

Key Themes:

Longing for the beloved: The poet expresses a deep and passionate longing for his beloved.
Suffering and injustice: The poet feels victimized by fate and the malice of others.
Spiritual seeking: The poet seeks spiritual guidance and enlightenment.
Resignation: The poet expresses a sense of resignation to his fate.

English Translation for Ghazal

Without you, O graceful cypress, what shall I do with roses and gardens?
What shall I do with hyacinth tresses and lily cheeks?

Alas, due to the malice of the envious, I have not seen your face
My face is not of iron like a mirror, what shall I do?

Go, O adviser, and do not criticize those who suffer
Fate, the taskmaster, does this, what shall I do?

The flash of jealousy thus leaps from the hidden place
You command, what shall I, the burnt-out harvest, do?

The Turkic king approved and cast me into the well
If the favor of the sky does not rescue me, what shall I do?

If the fire of Mount Sinai does not aid me with a light
What shall I do in the dark night of the safe valley?

Hafez, the heavenly abode is my inherited home
In this ruined dwelling, what shall I do?

متن غزل

بی تو ای سروِ روان، با گل و گلشن چه کنم؟

زلفِ سنبل چه کشَم عارضِ سوسن چه کنم؟


آه کز طعنهٔ بدخواه ندیدم رویت

نیست چون آینه‌ام روی ز آهن، چه کنم؟


برو ای ناصِح و بر دردکشان خرده مگیر

کارفرمایِ قَدَر می‌کند این، من چه کنم؟


برقِ غیرت چو چُنین می‌جَهَد از مَکمَنِ غیب

تو بفرما که منِ سوخته خرمن چه کنم؟


شاهِ تُرکان چو پسندید و به چاهم انداخت

دستگیر ار نشود لطفِ تَهَمتَن چه کنم؟


مددی گر به چراغی نکند آتشِ طور

چارهٔ تیره‌شبِ وادی ایمن چه کنم؟


حافظا خُلدِبَرین خانهٔ موروثِ من است

اندر این منزلِ ویرانه نشیمن چه کنم؟

@hamed Oct. 8, 2024, 3:30 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

سرو: Cypress (a metaphor for a tall, slender person, often used to describe a beloved)
عابد: Worshipper
آتشِ طور: Fire of Mount Sinai (a reference to the biblical story of Moses)
خُلد: Paradise
Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.