Without you, retreating into solitude is forbidden; Ghazal 39 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 62 0

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This ghazal by Saadi revolves around the overwhelming power of love and devotion. The poet describes a beloved whose beauty and charm render solitude unbearable and patience elusive. Saadi portrays himself as a prisoner to love, likening his state to a bird caught in a snare or a fish on a hook. The poem highlights the futility of reason and endurance in the face of true passion, while emphasizing loyalty to the beloved. Saadi closes with the assertion that love’s intoxication surpasses any earthly pleasure, elevating the spiritual depth of the poem.

English Translation for Ghazal

Without you, retreating into solitude is forbidden;
What a pity to close the door on such a face, unbidden.

When fortune's hem falls into one's grasp,
If let go, it may never again be clasped.

What gaze was this, that spilled my blood so?
What charm was this, that deepened my woe?

Whoever fell to your arrow did not rise;
Whoever entered your snare made no tries.

We are utterly bound by you alone—
Like the bird ensnared, or the fish on the stone.

Patience took a blow and fled the scene;
Reason saw calamity and withdrew, unseen.

I can bear the weight of disgrace, if pressed,
But cannot break the pact of love I confessed.

Even this flicker of life within me pales,
Before your being, it hardly prevails.

Should one ever grasp the truth of your essence,
They'd not bow to idols in misguided reverence.

One who’s drunk on love, like Saadi here,
Desires no wine, however pure or clear.

متن غزل

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