Yesterday, a messenger of good tidings came from the presence of Asaf, Ghazal 171 by Hafez

Yesterday, a messenger of good tidings came from the presence of Asaf, Ghazal 171 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 29, 2024

Yesterday, a messenger of good tidings came from the presence of Asaf, Ghazal 171 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

دوش از جنابِ آصف، پیکِ بشارت آمد

کز حضرتِ سلیمان، عشرت اشارت آمد


خاکِ وجود ما را، از آبِ دیده گِل کن

ویرانسرایِ دل را، گاهِ عمارت آمد


این شرحِ بی‌نهایت، کز زلفِ یار گفتند

حرفیست از هزاران، کـ‌اَندر عبارت آمد


عیبم بپوش زنهار، ای خرقهٔ می آلود

کان پاکِ پاکدامن، بهرِ زیارت آمد


امروز جایِ هر کس، پیدا شود ز خوبان

کـ‌آن ماهِ مجلس افروز، اندر صدارت آمد


بر تختِ جم که تاجش، معراجِ آسمان است

همّت نگر که موری، با آن حقارت آمد


از چشمِ شوخش ای دل، ایمانِ خود نگه دار

کـ‌آن جادویِ کمانکش، بر عزمِ غارت آمد


آلوده‌ای تو حافظ، فیضی ز شاه درخواه

کـ‌آن عنصرِ سَماحت، بهرِ طهارت آمد


دریاست مجلسِ او، دَریاب وقت و دُر یاب

هان ای زیان‌رسیده، وقتِ تجارت آمد



English Translation:

Yesterday, a messenger of good tidings came from the presence of Asaf,
From the court of Solomon, a sign of joy arrived.

Turn the dust of our existence into mud with tears of our eyes,
For it is time to rebuild the ruined mansion of the heart.

This endless description they gave of the beloved's locks
Is a word from thousands, a message contained in speech.

O wine-stained robe, please cover my faults,
For that pure and chaste one has come for a visit.

Today, the place of everyone can be found among the beautiful ones,
For that moon that illuminates the gathering has come to the forefront.

Look at the ambition of an ant that has come to the throne of Jam,
Whose crown is the ascent to heaven.

O heart, guard your faith from her playful eyes,
For that archer's magic has come with the intention of plunder.

You are tainted, Hafez, seek grace from the King,
For that element of magnanimity has come for purification.

His gathering is an ocean, find your time and pearls,
O you who have suffered a loss, the time for trade has come.

@hamed Aug. 29, 2024, 4:19 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez uses rich imagery and allusions to express deep longing and spiritual yearning.

@hamed Aug. 29, 2024, 4:19 a.m.

Key Themes:

Divine Love: The poet's beloved is elevated to a divine status, and the love he feels is seen as a spiritual experience.
Spiritual Transformation: The poet seeks spiritual transformation and enlightenment through his love.
The Power of the Beloved: The beloved has the power to transform the poet's life and bring him joy and sorrow.

@hamed Aug. 29, 2024, 4:20 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

آصف: Asaf was a wise counselor to King Solomon.
سلیمان: Solomon, a prophet in both Islamic and Jewish traditions, known for his wisdom and wealth.
ویرانسرای دل: Ruined mansion of the heart (a metaphor for a broken heart)
زلف: Locks of hair (often used as a metaphor for the beloved)
جم: Jamshid, a legendary king in Persian mythology

@hamed Aug. 29, 2024, 4:20 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep spiritual insights with vivid imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and allusions creates a rich and layered meaning, inviting multiple interpretations.