You have not written according to my state for many days, Ghazal 182 by Hafez

You have not written according to my state for many days, Ghazal 182 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 31, 2024

You have not written according to my state for many days, Ghazal 182 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

حَسْبِ حالی نَنِوِشتی و شد ایّامی چند

مَحرمی کو که فرستم به تو پیغامی چند؟


ما بدان مقصدِ عالی نتوانیم رسید

هم مگر پیش نَهَد لطفِ شما گامی چند


چون مِی از خُم به سبو رفت و گُل افکند نقاب

فرصتِ عیش نگه دار و بزن جامی چند


قندِ آمیخته با گُل نه علاجِ دلِ ماست

بوسه‌ای چند برآمیز به دشنامی چند


زاهد از کوچهٔ رندان به سلامت بگذر

تا خرابت نکند صحبتِ بدنامی چند


عیبِ مِی جمله چو گفتی، هنرش نیز بگو

نفیِ حکمت مکن از بهرِ دلِ عامی چند


ای گدایانِ خرابات خدا یارِ شماست

چشمِ اِنعام مدارید ز اَنعامی چند


پیرِ میخانه چه خوش گفت به دُردی‌کشِ خویش

که مگو حالِ دلِ سوخته با خامی چند


حافظ از شوقِ رخِ مِهر‌فروغِ تو بسوخت

کامگارا نظری کن سویِ ناکامی چند



English Translation:

You have not written according to my state for many days,
Who is the confidant I can send to you with a few messages?

We cannot reach that lofty destination,
Unless your kindness takes a few steps forward.

As the wine went from the jug to the goblet and the flower dropped its veil,
Seize the opportunity for pleasure and raise a few cups.

Sugar mixed with flowers is not the cure for our heart,
Mix a few kisses with a few insults.

Let the ascetic pass safely through the alley of the revelers,
So that a few words of bad reputation do not ruin him.

You have said all the faults of wine, now tell its virtues too,
Do not negate wisdom for the sake of a few common people.

O beggars of the tavern, God is with you,
Do not expect favors from a few benefactors.

The old man of the tavern said well to his suffering friend,
"Do not speak of the state of your burning heart with such rawness."

Hafez has burned from the longing for your sunlit face,
O successful one, cast a glance at a few failures.

@hamed Aug. 31, 2024, 5:49 a.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal
In this ghazal, Hafez expresses his longing for his beloved and his frustration with the passage of time. He also offers philosophical reflections on life, love, and spirituality.

@hamed Aug. 31, 2024, 5:49 a.m.

Key Themes:

Longing for the Beloved: The central theme is the poet's intense longing for his beloved and his desire for their attention.
The Passage of Time: The poet reflects on the fleeting nature of life and the importance of seizing the moment.
Spiritual Yearning: The ghazal hints at a deeper spiritual longing, with the beloved often symbolizing a divine connection.
Criticism of Hypocrisy: Hafez criticizes the hypocrisy of religious figures and the superficiality of worldly pleasures.

@hamed Aug. 31, 2024, 5:49 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

محرم: Confidant, someone who can be trusted with secrets
سبو: Goblet
زاهد: Ascetic, a person who practices severe self-discipline and abstains from worldly pleasures

@hamed Aug. 31, 2024, 5:50 a.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep emotional expression with rich imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and allusions creates a vivid and evocative picture of the human experience.