Your eyes are beautiful, yet more so after restful sleep, Ghazal 68 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 32 0

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This ghazal by Saadi celebrates the beauty, love, and joy found in the presence of a beloved. Saadi compares the beloved's smile to blossoms, their face to moonlight, and their companionship to paradise. The poet values love over solitude and even life’s natural wonders, expressing readiness to endure any hardship for the beloved’s sake. Rich with metaphors, the ghazal is a lyrical homage to the transcendent power of love and its ability to surpass all worldly pleasures.

English Translation for Ghazal

Your eyes are beautiful, yet more so after restful sleep,
And the taste of your lips is sweeter than pure sugar deep.

Beware of that sweet smile you gracefully bestow,
For it surpasses the laughter of blossoms after rain's glow.

I thought to extinguish a candle before your face so bright,
But why need a candle, when the moon is a gentler light?

Last night, I yearned for peaceful sleep, a moment's ease,
But gazing upon your face tonight is sweeter than such pleas.

For a lover, resting by the beloved's side is divine,
Even a hedgehog’s pelt surpasses sable or fine.

If summoned kindly across a sea of flames to tread,
I'd embrace the fire's path more than water's stead.

Speak not to me of streams, meadows, or flowered land,
For the sight of loved ones is more splendid and grand.

Do not hand me over to harsh rivals, bitter and sharp,
Let me take from your hand, for it's sweeter than rosewater's harp.

Saadi no longer retreats to solitude's quiet keep,
Companionship is sweeter than the silence I seek.

Each chapter of this adorned book you choose to unfold,
Feels like paradise itself, with delights untold.

متن غزل

چشمت خوش است و بر اثر خواب خوش‌تر است

طعم دهانت از شکر ناب خوش‌تر است


زنهار از آن تبسم شیرین که می‌کنی

کز خندهٔ شکوفهٔ سیراب خوش‌تر است


شمعی به پیش روی تو گفتم که برکنم

حاجت به شمع نیست که مهتاب خوش‌تر است


دوش آرزوی خواب خوشم بود یک زمان

امشب نظر به روی تو از خواب خوش‌تر است


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کیمخت خارپشت ز سنجاب خوش‌تر است


زان سوی بحر آتش اگر خوانیم به لطف

رفتن به روی آتشم از آب خوش‌تر است


ز آب روان و سبزه و صحرا و لاله‌زار

با من مگو که چشم در احباب خوش‌تر است


زهرم مده به دستِ رقیبانِ تندخوی

از دست خود بده که ز جُلّاب خوش‌تر است


سعدی دگر به گوشهٔ وحدت نمی‌رود

خلوت خوش است و صحبت اصحاب خوش‌تر است


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