Your graceful movements are perfectly measured, Ghazal 29 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 44 0

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This ghazal by Saadi blends themes of love, longing, and the overwhelming power of beauty. The poet admires the beloved's charm and allure, acknowledging the hardship of enduring their indifference. Saadi portrays love as both a blessing and a torment, marveling at the beloved's indescribable beauty and irresistible attraction. The poet yearns for closeness, lamenting the barriers of separation and expressing the agony of sleepless nights spent in longing. The final lines highlight the emotional toll of separation, with Saadi's soul metaphorically melting under its weight. This ghazal captures the timeless nature of love’s trials and its intoxicating allure.

English Translation for Ghazal

Your graceful movements are perfectly measured,
And your indifferent words captivate me deeply.

Since patience is impossible, I must endure your cruelty;
For who could claim humanity and not bear your harshness?

Even if you are my enemy, I won't avoid your arrows;
And if you are a flood, I won't flee your descent.

You defy comparison and description,
I am bewildered by the beauty of your form and features.

Even if fortune places me on a king's throne,
I would still serve as your devoted follower all my life.

It is astonishing that anyone in this town remains virtuous,
Perhaps they haven’t seen the saintly allure of your face.

You have no idea of the havoc your love causes here,
Come out, or I shall set fire to the veil that conceals you.

You are a tree of splendid appearance, full of fruit,
Yet my short arms cannot reach your apple.

You have never spent a night in longing; how would you know
What sleepless nights feel like for those awaiting you?

Oh, night of separation, what a long night you are!
Pass quickly, for Saadi’s soul is melting from your terror.

متن غزل

متناسبند و موزون حرکات دلفریبت

متوجه است با ما سخنان بی‌حسیبت


چو نمی‌توان صبوری ستمت کشم ضروری

مگر آدمی نباشد که برنجد از عتیبت


اگرم تو خصم باشی نروم ز پیش تیرت

وگرم تو سیل باشی نگریزم از نشیبت


به قیاس در نگنجی و به وصف در نیایی

متحیرم در اوصاف جمال و روی و زیبت


اگرم برآورد بخت به تخت پادشاهی

نه چنان که بنده باشم همه عمر در رکیبت


عجب از کسی در این شهر که پارسا بماند

مگر او ندیده باشد رخ پارسافریبت


تو برون خبر نداری که چه می‌رود ز عشقت

به درآی اگر نه آتش بزنیم در حجیبت


تو درخت خوب‌منظر همه میوه‌ای ولیکن

چه کنم به دست کوته که نمی‌رسد به سیبت


تو شبی در انتظاری ننشسته‌ای چه دانی

که چه شب گذشت بر منتظران ناشکیبت


تو خود ای شب جدایی چه شبی بدین درازی

بگذر که جان سعدی بگداخت از نهیبت