Your image will never fade from the tablet of my heart and soul, Ghazal 223 by Hafez

Your image will never fade from the tablet of my heart and soul, Ghazal 223 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 12, 2024

Your image will never fade from the tablet of my heart and soul, Ghazal 223 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

هرگزم نقشِ تو از لوحِ دل و جان نَرَوَد

هرگز از یادِ من آن سروِ خرامان نَرَوَد


از دِماغِ مَنِ سرگشته خیالِ دَهَنَت

به جفایِ فلک و غُصهٔ دوران نرود


در ازل بست دلم با سرِ زلفت پیوند

تا ابد سر نَکشَد، وز سرِ پیمان نرود


هر چه جز بارِ غمت بر دلِ مسکینِ من است

برود از دلِ من وز دلِ من آن نرود


آن چُنان مِهر توام در دل و جان جای گرفت

که اگر سر برود، از دل و از جان نرود


گر رَوَد از پِی خوبان دلِ من معذور است

درد دارد چه کُنَد کز پِی درمان نرود


هر که خواهد که چو حافظ نشود سرگردان

دل به خوبان ندهد وز پِی ایشان نرود



English Translation:

Your image will never fade from the tablet of my heart and soul,
That graceful cypress will never leave my memory.

From my bewildered mind, the thought of your lips,
Will not go, despite the cruelty of fate and the sorrows of time.

From eternity, my heart has been bound to your locks,
It will never be severed and will never break its vow.

Whatever burden besides yours is on my poor heart,
Will depart from my heart, but that will not leave my heart.

Your love has taken such a hold on my heart and soul,
That even if my head is severed, it will not leave my heart and soul.

If my heart follows beautiful ones, it is excusable,
For it is in pain, what can it do but seek a remedy?

Whoever wishes not to be as bewildered as Hafez,
Should not give their heart to beautiful ones and should not follow them.

@hamed Sept. 12, 2024, 12:25 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, longing, and the enduring nature of deep affection. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his message.

@hamed Sept. 12, 2024, 12:25 p.m.

Key Themes:

Enduring Love: The poet expresses the unwavering nature of his love and the impossibility of forgetting his beloved.
The Beloved as a Symbol: The beloved is often used as a symbol for the divine or the object of one's spiritual quest.
The Heart as a Prison: The poet describes his heart as being captive to the love of his beloved.

@hamed Sept. 12, 2024, 12:26 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

لوح: Tablet
سرو: Cypress (a symbol of beauty and elegance)
دماغ: Mind
پیمان: Vow

@hamed Sept. 12, 2024, 12:26 p.m.

This ghazal is a powerful expression of emotional attachment, exploring the depths of love and longing. Hafez uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey the intensity of his feelings.