Hekayat 1 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 07, 2024 by @hamed 35 0

English Translation for Hekayat

One of the nobles asked a pious man, “What do you say about such and such a worshipper, about whom others have spoken disparagingly?”

He replied, “I see no fault in his outward appearance, and I do not know his inner secrets.”

Whoever you see wearing the garment of piety

Consider him pious and a good man

And if you do not know what is hidden within him

What business does the inspector have inside the house?


متن حکایت

یکی از بزرگان گفت پارسایی را: چه گویی در حقِ فلان عابد که دیگران در حقِ وی به طعنه سخن‌ها گفته‌اند؟

گفت: بر ظاهرش عیب نمی‌بینم و در باطنش غیب نمی‌دانم.

هر که را، جامه پارسا، بینی

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