Hekayat 1 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 09, 2024 by @hamed 31 1

English Translation for Hekayat

A beggar from the Maghreb was saying among the cloth merchants of Aleppo: “O lords of wealth, if you had fairness and we had contentment, the practice of begging would vanish from the world.”

O contentment! Make me rich,

For beyond you, there is no blessing.

The corner of patience is the choice of Luqman,

Whoever lacks patience, lacks wisdom.


متن حکایت

خواهندهٔ مَغْرِبی در صفِ بزّازانِ حَلَب می‌گفت: ای خداوندانِ نعمت، اگر شما را انصاف بودی و ما را قناعت، رسمِ سؤال از جهان برخاستی.


ای قناعت! توانگرم گردان

که ورایِ تو هیچ نعمت نیست


کنجِ صبر، اختیارِ لُقمان است

هر‌که را صبر نیست، حکمت نیست

@hamed Sept. 9, 2024, 11:43 a.m.

This Hekayat emphasizes the virtues of fairness, contentment, and patience, suggesting that these qualities can eliminate the need for begging and lead to true wisdom and wealth. Saadi often uses such reflections to convey deeper moral and ethical lessons.