Hekayat 1 from Chapter 7 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi
English Translation for Hekayat
A minister had a son who was dull-witted. He sent him to a scholar, saying, "Educate him and perhaps he will become wise." The scholar instructed him for a while, but it had no effect. The scholar sent a message to the father, saying, "This boy will not become wise, and he has driven me to madness."
When a person’s nature is good,
Training will have an effect on them.
No amount of polishing can make good
The iron that is of bad essence.
Wash a dog in the seven seas,
When it is wet, it becomes filthier.
If the donkey of Jesus were taken to Mecca,
It would still return as a donkey.
متن حکایت
یکی را از وزرا پسری کودن بود. پیش یکی از دانشمندان فرستاد که مر این را تربیتی میکن مگر که عاقل شود. روزگاری تعلیم کردش و مؤثر نبود. پیش پدرش کس فرستاد که این عاقل نمیباشد و مرا دیوانه کرد.
چون بود اصل گوهری قابل
تربیت را در او اثر باشد
هیچ صیقل نکو نداند کرد
آهنی را که بدگهر باشد
سگ به دریای هفتگانه بشوی
که چو تر شد پلیدتر باشد
خر عیسی گرش به مکه برند
چون بیاید هنوز خر باشد