Hekayat 10 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 07, 2024 by hamed

Someone asked the one who had lost his son:

"O wise and noble elder,

You smelled his shirt from Egypt,

Why did you not see him in the well of Canaan?"

He replied: "Our state is like the lightning of the world,

Visible for a moment and hidden the next.

Sometimes we sit on the highest throne,

Sometimes we cannot see our own feet.

If the dervish remained in one state,

He would shake off both worlds from his hand."


یکی پرسید از آن گم‌کرده‌فرزند

که ای روشن‌گُهر پیرِ خردمند


ز مصرش بویِ پیراهن شنیدی

چرا در چاهِ کَنْعانش ندیدی؟!


بگفت: احوالِ ما برقِ جهان است

دمی پیدا و دیگر دم نهان است


گهی بر طارَمِ اعلیٰ نشینیم

گهی بر پشتِ پایِ خود نبینیم


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About Hekayat
Hekayat is a form of prose in Persian literature.