Hekayat 10 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 09, 2024 by @hamed 33 0

English Translation for Hekayat

One of the scholars had a large appetite but a small income. He mentioned his situation to a nobleman who respected him. The nobleman frowned at his request, finding it inappropriate for a man of learning to ask for help.

"Do not approach a dear friend with a frown,

For you will make his life bitter as well.

When you go to ask for something, go with a fresh and smiling face,

For a cheerful demeanor will not close doors."

It is said that the nobleman slightly increased his stipend but greatly reduced his respect. When the scholar did not see the usual affection after a few days, he said:

"How bad are the meals that are obtained through humiliation,

The pot is set up, but dignity is lowered.

My bread has increased, but my honor has decreased,

Poverty is better than the disgrace of begging."

متن حکایت

یکی از علما خورندهٔ بسیار داشت و کَفافِ اندک. یکی را از بزرگان که در او معتقد بود بگفت. روی از توقّعِ او در هم کشید و تعرّضِ سؤال از اهلِ ادب در نظرش قبیح آمد.

ز بخت، روی‌تُرُش‌کرده، پیشِ یارِ عزیز

مرو، که عیش بر او نیز تلخ گردانی

به حاجتی که رَوی، تازه‌روی و خندان رو

فرو نبندد کارِ گشاده‌پیشانی

آورده‌اند که اندکی در وظیفهٔ او زیادت کرد و بسیاری از ارادت کم. دانشمند چون پس از چند روز مودّتِ معهود بر‌قرار ندید گفت:

بِئْسَ الْمَطَاعِمُ حِینَ الذُلُّ یَکْسِبُها

الْقِدْرُ مُنْتَصَبٌ وَ الْقَدْرُ مَخْفوُضٌ

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