Hekayat 10 from Chapter 4 of Golestan of Saadi Shirazi
English Translation for Hekayat
One of the poets went to the leader of a band of thieves and praised him. The leader ordered that the poet's clothes be stripped off and that he be driven out of the village. The poor man, now naked, walked through the cold. Dogs started chasing him. He wanted to pick up a stone to fend them off, but the ground was frozen, and he couldn’t lift a stone. He said, "What wicked people these are! They’ve unleashed the dogs and tied down the stones!"
The leader of the thieves saw and heard this from a window and laughed. He said, "O wise man, ask something of me." The poet replied, "I want my clothes back, if you would be so generous."
We are content with your charity in the form of departure.
Humans hope for good from others,
But I don't expect good from you—just don't harm me.
The leader of the thieves felt pity for him, returned his clothes, and gave him an additional fur coat and some silver coins.
متن حکایت
یکی از شعرا پیشِ امیر دزدان رفت و ثنایی بر او بگفت. فرمود تا جامه از او بَرکنَند و از ده به در کنند. مسکین برهنه به سرما همیرفت. سگان در قفایِ وی افتادند. خواست تا سنگی بر دارد و سگان را دفع کند، در زمین یخ گرفته بود، عاجز شد. گفت: این چه حرامزاده مردمانند، سگ را گشادهاند و سنگ را بسته! امیر از غرفه بدید و بشنید و بخندید. گفت: ای حکیم! از من چیزی بخواه. گفت: جامهٔ خود میخواهم اگر انعام فرمایی.
رضینا مِن نوالِکَ بالرَحیلِ.
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