Hekayat 10 from Chapter 5 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Posted on September 19, 2024 by hamed

In the prime of my youth, as is common and as you well know, I had a secret affection and intimacy with a beloved. This was because he had a voice as sweet as melody and a beauty like the full moon when it appears.

His cheek’s bloom drank the water of life,
And anyone who savors sweetness will gaze upon him.

By chance, I witnessed a behavior from him that I disliked, which went against my nature. I withdrew from him and ended the relationship, saying:

"Go and do whatever you please.
You no longer have a place in my heart, so mind your own."

I heard him walking away, saying:

"If a bat does not desire the sun’s light,
It will not diminish the brilliance of the sun."

With that, he departed, and his departure left me in a state of sorrow.

I lost the time of union, unaware,
Of how precious bliss is before hardship arrives.

I began to wish for his return, preferring death in his presence over living without him. However, by the grace of fate, after a while, he returned. But his sweet, melodious voice had faded, and his Joseph-like beauty had diminished. The brightness of his chin was marred by a shadow, and the radiance of his charm was broken. He expected me to embrace him, but I kept my distance and said:

"When your beauty was in full bloom,
You dismissed those who admired you.
Now you have come seeking reconciliation,
But your beauty is punctuated by flaws.
O fresh spring, your leaves have turned yellow,
Don’t stir the pot, for the fire of my love has cooled.
Why do you still walk with pride and arrogance?
You think of last year’s charm as if it’s still here.
Go to someone who still seeks you,
Show affection to those who still desire you.

They say the green grass is lovely in the garden,
But only those who say this know what it means.
The green fuzz on the faces of the beautiful
Makes the hearts of lovers yearn even more.
But your garden now only grows wild mustard,
No matter how much you pluck it, it continues to sprout."

Whether you shave the hair on your cheeks or not,
The days of your youth and beauty will pass.
If I had cherished life like you do your beard,
I would not have let it grow until the Day of Judgment."

I asked him: "What happened to your once-beautiful face,
That now ants swarm around your moon-like cheeks?"

He replied: "I don’t know what has happened to my face,
Perhaps it is mourning for the death of my own beauty,
And that’s why it has dressed in black."

در عنفوان جوانی چنان که افتد و دانی با شاهدی سری و سرّی داشتم به حکم آن که حلقی داشت طیِّبُ الاَدا وَ خَلقی کالبدرِ اذا بَدا.

آن که نبات عارضش آب حیات می‌خورَد

در شکرش نگه کند هر که نبات می‌خورَد

اتفاقاً به خلاف طبع از وی حرکتی بدیدم که نپسندیدم. دامن از او در کشیدم و مهره برچیدم و گفتم:

برو هر چه می‌بایدت پیش گیر

سرِ ما نداری سر ِخویش گیر

شنیدمش که همی‌رفت و می‌گفت:

شب‌پره گر وصلِ آفتاب نخواهد

رونقِ بازار ِآفتاب نکاهد

این بگفت و سفر کرد و پریشانی او در من اثر.

فَقَدتُ زَمانَ الوَصلِ و المَرءُ جاهِلٌ

بِقَدرِ لَذیذِ العَیشِ قَبلَ المَصائِبِ

باز آی و مرا بکش که پیشت مردن

خوشتر که پس از تو زندگانی کردن

اما به شُکر و مِنت باری پس از مدتی باز آمد، آن حلق داوودی متغیر شده و جمالِ یوسفی به زیان آمده و بر سیب زنخدانش چون به گردی نشسته و رونقِ بازار حُسنش شکسته، متوقع که در کنارش گیرم. کناره گرفتم و گفتم:

آن روز که خط شاهدت بود

صاحب‌نظر از نظر براندی

امروز بیامدی به صلحش

کش فتحه و ضمه بر نشاندی

تازه بهارا ورقت زرد شد

دیگ منه کآتش ما سرد شد

چند خرامی و تکبر کنی؟

دولت پارینه تصور کنی

پیش کسی رو که طلبکار توست

ناز بر آن کن که خریدار توست

سبزه در باغ گفته‌اند خوش است

داند آن کس که این سخن گوید

یعنی از روی نیکوان خط سبز

دل عشاق بیشتر جوید

بوستان تو گندنازاریست

بس که بر می‌کنی و می‌روید

گر صبر کنی ور نکنی موی بناگوش

این دولت ایام نکویی به سر آید

گر دست به جان داشتمی همچو تو بر ریش

نگذاشتمی تا به قیامت که بر آید

سؤال کردم و گفتم جمال روی تو را

چه شد که مورچه بر گرد ماه جوشیده‌ست؟

جواب داد ندانم چه بود رویم را

مگر به ماتم حسنم سیاه پوشیده‌ست

@hamed Sept. 19, 2024, 5:34 a.m.

This story highlights the fleeting nature of beauty and youth, and how relationships change over time. Saadi reflects on the passage of time and the loss of allure, using both humor and wisdom to address the lover’s fading charm.

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About Hekayat
Hekayat is a form of prose in Persian literature.