Hekayat 10 from Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 06, 2024 by @hamed 35 0

English Translation for Hekayat

I was meditating at the tomb of the Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist), peace be upon him, in the Great Mosque of Damascus when one of the Arab kings, known for his injustice, happened to come for a visit. He prayed and made supplications, asking for his needs to be fulfilled.

The poor and the rich are both servants of this earth, And those who are richer are in greater need.

He then said to me, “Since the aspirations of the dervishes are high and their dealings sincere, please accompany me in spirit, for I am fearful of a formidable enemy.” I told him, “Show mercy to your weak subjects so that you will not suffer from a powerful enemy.”

With strong arms and the strength of your hand, It is wrong to break the fingers of a weak and helpless person. Does he not fear who does not show mercy to the fallen? For if he falls, no one will take his hand.

Whoever sows the seeds of evil and expects good, Has cooked a futile brain and harbored a false hope. Remove the cotton from your ears and give justice to the people, For if you do not give justice, there will be a day of judgment!

The children of Adam are members of one another, Created from the same essence. When the day brings pain to one member, The other members cannot remain at ease. You who are indifferent to the suffering of others, Do not deserve to be called human.

متن حکایت

بر بالینِ تربتِ، یحیی، پیغامبر عَلَیْهِ‌السّلامُ، معتکف بودم در جامع دِمشق که یکی از ملوکِ عرب که به بی‌انصافی منسوب بود اتّفاقاً به زیارت آمد و نماز و دعا کرد و حاجت خواست.

درویش و غنی بندهٔ این خاک درند

و آنان که غنی‌ترند محتاج‌ترند

آنگه مرا گفت: از آن جا که همّتِ درویشان است و صدقِ معاملت ایشان، خاطری همراه من کنید که از دشمنی صعب، اندیشناکم. گفتمش: بر رعیّتِ ضعیف رحمت کن تا از دشمنِ قوی زحمت نبینی.

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