Hekayat 101 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

English Translation for Hekayat
The first person to adorn his garment with a banner and to wear a ring on his hand was Jamshid.
They asked him: Why did you place it on the left, when the right is considered virtuous?
He replied: The right is already adorned by its own virtue.
Fereydun instructed the artists of China
To embroider around his tent:
Treat the wicked with kindness, O wise man,
For the good are already great and fortunate.
متن حکایت
اوّل كسی كه عَلَم بر جامه كرد و انگشتری در دست، جمشید بود.
گفتندش: چرا به چپ دادی و فضیلت راست راست؟
گفت: راست را زینت راستی تمام است.
فریدون گفت نقّاشان چین را
كه پیرامون خرگاهش بدوزند:
بدان را نیک دار ای مرد هشیار
كه نیكان خود بزرگ و نیکروزند