Hekayat 11 from Chapter 4 of Golestan of Saadi Shirazi
English Translation for Hekayat
An astrologer entered his house and saw a stranger sitting with his wife. He started cursing, shouting, and causing a commotion. A wise person who was aware of the situation said:
"How can you know what’s happening in the highest skies,
When you don’t even know who’s in your own house?"
متن حکایت
منجمی به خانه در آمد. یکی مرد بیگانه را دید با زن او به هم نشسته. دشنام و سقط گفت و فتنه و آشوب خاست. صاحبدلی که بر این واقف بود گفت:
تو بر اوج فلک چه دانى چیست ؟
که ندانى که در سرایت کیست ؟