Hekayat 11 from Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 06, 2024 by hamed

A dervish, whose prayers were always answered, appeared in Baghdad. Hajjaj Yusuf was informed and summoned him. He said, “Pray a good prayer for me.” The dervish replied, “O God, take his life.” Hajjaj asked, “For God’s sake, what kind of prayer is this?” The dervish replied, “This is a good prayer for you and for all Muslims.”

O oppressor who torments the weak, How long will this market last?

What use is world domination to you? It is better for you to die than to harm people.

درویشی مُسْتَجاب‌الدَّعوة در بغداد پدید آمد. حَجّاجِ یوسف را خبر کردند. بخواندش و گفت: دعایِ خیری بر من بکن. گفت: خدایا! جانش بستان. گفت: از بهرِ خدای این چه دعاست؟ گفت: این دعایِ خیر است تو را و جملهْ مسلمانان را.


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About Hekayat
Hekayat is a form of prose in Persian literature.