Hekayat 12 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 07, 2024 by @hamed 43 0

English Translation for Hekayat

One night in the desert of Mecca, I was so exhausted from sleeplessness that I could no longer walk. I lay down and told the camel driver, “Leave me alone.”

How far can a poor pedestrian go?

The camel is weary from bearing the load

Until the fat body becomes lean

The lean one would have died from hardship

He said, “Brother! The sanctuary is ahead and the bandit behind; if you move, you will be saved, and if you sleep, you will die.”

It is pleasant to sleep under the thorn bushes on the road to the desert

But on the night of departure, one must say farewell to life.


متن حکایت

شبی در بیابانِ مکّه از بی‌خوابی پایِ رفتنم نماند؛ سر بنهادم و شتربان را گفتم: دست از من بدار.


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