Hekayat 12 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on November 22, 2024 by @hamed 53 1

English Translation for Hekayat

Speak between two enemies in such a way that if they become friends, you will not be ashamed.

Between two people, a quarrel is like a fire;
An unfortunate tattler is like a firewood carrier.

They make up, and delight their hearts once again,
While the tattler remains blind in fortune and ashamed.

Setting a fire between two people,
Is not wise, and being burned in the process.

Be cautious in speaking with friends,
So that the bloodthirsty enemy does not hear.

Be mindful of what you say near a wall,
Lest there be ears behind the wall.

متن حکایت

سخن میان دو دشمن چنان گوی که گر دوست گردند شرم زده نشوی.

میان دو کس جنگ چون آتش است

سخن چین بدبخت هیزم کش است

کنند این و آن خوش دگرباره دل

وی اندر میان کوربخت و خجل

میان دو تن آتش افروختن

نه عقل است و خود در میان سوختن

در سخن با دوستان آهسته باش

تا ندارد دشمن خونخوار گوش

پیش دیوار آنچه گویی هوش دار

تا نباشد در پس دیوار گوش

@hamed Nov. 22, 2024, 6:33 p.m.

What a beautifully wise piece of poetry, reminding us of the importance of careful speech and the consequences of sowing discord.