Hekayat 13 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 07, 2024 by @hamed 33 0

English Translation for Hekayat

I saw a pious man by the seaside who had been wounded by a leopard, and no medicine could heal him.

He had been suffering for a long time, yet he constantly thanked God, the Almighty. They asked him, “Why do you give thanks?” He replied, “I thank God that I am afflicted with a calamity and not with sin.”

If that dear friend kills me in misery

Do not say that at that moment I grieve for my life

I will say: What sin did this poor servant commit

That made him upset with me? That is my grief.


متن حکایت

پارسایی را دیدم بر کنارِ دریا که زخمِ پلنگ داشت و به هیچ دارو بِه نمی‌شد.

مدّتها در آن رنجور بود و شکر خدای، عَزَّوَجَّلَ، عَلَی‌الدَّوام گفتی. پرسیدندش که شکر چه می‌گویی؟ گفت: شکر آن که به مصیبتی گرفتارم نه به معصیتی.


گر مرا زار به کشتن دهد آن یارِ عزیز

تا نگویی که در آن دم غمِ جانم باشد


گویم: از بندهٔ مسکین چه گنه صادر شد

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