Hekayat 13 from Chapter 4 of Golestan of Saadi Shirazi

Posted on September 17, 2024 by @hamed 34 1

English Translation for Hekayat

There was a man in the mosque of Sinjar who would call the adhan (the call to prayer) voluntarily, but in such a way that the listeners were repelled by him. The caretaker of the mosque was a just and kind-hearted ruler who didn’t want to hurt the man’s feelings. So he said, “Oh kind man! This mosque already has long-established muezzins, each of whom receives five dinars. I’ll give you ten dinars if you agree to go somewhere else.”

They agreed to this, and the man left. After some time, the man passed by the ruler again and said, “Oh lord! You wronged me by driving me away from that place for ten dinars, because where I have gone now, they offer me twenty dinars to leave, and yet I do not accept!”
The ruler burst out laughing and said, “Beware not to accept it, for they’ll soon offer you fifty!”

No one carves flowers out of hard stone
As harshly as your loud voice carves into hearts.

متن حکایت

یکی در مسجد سنجار به تطوّع بانگ گفتی به ادایی که مستمعان را از او نفرت بودی. و صاحب مسجد امیری بود عادل نیک‌سیرت، نمی‌خواستش که دل‌آزرده گردد. گفت: ای جوانمرد! این مسجد را مؤذنانند قدیم. هر یکی را پنج دینار مرتب داشته‌ام. تو را ده دینار می‌دهم تا جایی دیگر روی.

بر این قول اتفاق کردند و برفت. پس از مدتی در گذری پیش امیر باز آمد. گفت: ای خداوند! بر من حیف کردی که به ده دینار از آن بقعه به در کردی که اینجا که رفته‌ام، بیست دینارم همی‌دهند تا جای دیگر روم و قبول نمی‌کنم! امیر از خنده بی‌خود گشت و گفت: زنهار تا نستانی که به پنجاه راضی گردند!

به تیشه کس نخراشد ز روی خارا گل

چنان که بانگ درشت تو می‌خراشد دل

@hamed Sept. 17, 2024, 5:27 a.m.

This story humorously portrays how the unpleasantness of the man’s call to prayer became a problem wherever he went. The ruler’s clever solution gently dealt with the situation without confrontation, while the story also highlights the man’s lack of self-awareness.