Hekayat 13 from Chapter 7 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on November 14, 2024 by @hamed 47 1

English Translation for Hekayat

A Hindu man was learning the skill of fire-juggling with oil. A wise man remarked to him, “For someone whose home is made of reeds, this is not a game to play.”

Do not speak until you know your words are truly right,
And say nothing if you know it won’t bring good insight.

متن حکایت

هندوی نفط‌ اندازی همی‌آموخت. حکیمی گفت تو را که خانه نیین است، بازی نه این است.

تا ندانی که سخن عین صواب است مگوی

وآنچه دانی که نه نیکوش جواب است مگوی

@hamed Nov. 14, 2024, 7:18 p.m.

This Hekayat conveys the message that one should be cautious with risky pursuits, especially if one is not in a position to handle potential consequences. Likewise, it advises prudence in speech, emphasizing that one should only speak when confident in the benefit or correctness of their words.