Hekayat 14 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 07, 2024 by @hamed 31 0

English Translation for Hekayat

A dervish found himself in need and stole a rug from a friend’s house.

The judge ordered that his hand be cut off.

The owner of the rug interceded, saying, “I have forgiven him.”

The judge replied, “I will not set aside the law for your intercession.”

The owner said, “What you say is true, but whoever steals from a charitable endowment does not deserve to have his hand cut off, and the poor own nothing. Whatever the dervishes have is for the needy.”

The judge refrained from punishing him and began to reproach him, saying, “Was the world so narrow for you that you had to steal from such a friend’s house?”

The dervish replied, “O Lord! Have you not heard the saying: Sweep the house of friends and do not knock on the door of enemies.”

When you are in hardship, do not surrender to despair

Strip the skin off your enemies, and give a coat to your friends.


متن حکایت

درویشی را ضَرورتی پیش آمد، گلیمی از خانهٔ یاری بدزدید.

حاکم فرمود که دستش بدر کنند.

صاحبِ گلیم شَفاعت کرد که: من او را بِحِل کردم.

گفتا: به شفاعتِ تو حدّ شَرعْ فرو نگذارم.

گفت: آنچه فرمودی، راست گفتی، ولیکن هر که از مالِ وقف چیزی بدزدد، قطعش لازم نیاید، وَ الْفقیرُ لایَمْلِکُ. هر چه درویشان راست وقفِ محتاجان است.

حاکم دست از او بداشت و ملامت کردن گرفت که:

جهان بر تو تنگ آمده بود که دزدی نکردی الّا از خانهٔ چنین یاری!؟

گفت: ای خداوند! نشنیده‌ای که گویند: خانهٔ دوستان بروب و درِ دشمنان مکوب.

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