Hekayat 14 from Chapter 4 of Golestan of Saadi Shirazi

Posted on September 17, 2024 by @hamed 41 1

English Translation for Hekayat

An unpleasant-sounding man was loudly reciting the Quran. A wise man passed by and asked him, "How much are you paid for this?"
He replied, "Nothing."
The wise man then said, "Why do you trouble yourself so much, then?"
The man answered, "I am doing it for the sake of God."
The wise man responded, "Then, for the sake of God, do not recite like this:

If you continue reciting the Quran in this manner,
You will take away the grace of Islam.

متن حکایت

ناخوش آوازی به بانگ بلند قرآن همی‌خواند. صاحبدلی بر او بگذشت. گفت: تو را مشاهره چند است؟ گفت: هیچ. گفت: پس این زحمت خود چندین چرا همی‌دهی؟ گفت: از بهر خدا می‌خوانم. گفت: از بهر خدا مخوان:

گر تو قرآن بر این نمط خوانی

ببری رونق مسلمانی

@hamed Sept. 17, 2024, 5:29 a.m.

This story humorously illustrates how the man's poor recitation detracts from the beauty of the Quran, and the wise man's remark gently suggests that sometimes it's better to remain silent if one's actions are not beneficial.