Hekayat 14 from Chapter 7 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on November 14, 2024 by @hamed 26 1

English Translation for Hekayat

A man suffered from an eye ailment and went to a veterinarian for treatment. The veterinarian applied the same remedy he used on animals, which caused the man to go blind. When the case was taken to court, the judge ruled that the veterinarian bore no responsibility. He said, “If this man had not been as foolish as a donkey, he would not have gone to a veterinarian.”

The purpose of this tale is to teach that entrusting an important task to an inexperienced person will lead to regret. In the eyes of wise people, doing so is seen as a sign of poor judgment.

A wise and clear-sighted person will not
Entrust critical tasks to the unworthy.
Though a mat-weaver knows how to weave,
They are not fit for the workshop of silk.

متن حکایت

مردکی را چشم درد خاست، پیش بیطار رفت که دوا کن. بیطار از آنچه در چشم چارپای می‌کند در دیده او کشید و کور شد. حکومت به داور بردند گفت بر او هیچ تاوان نیست. اگر این خر نبودی، پیش بیطار نرفتی. مقصود از این سخن آن است تا بدانی که هر آن که ناآزموده را کار بزرگ فرماید با آن که ندامت برد به نزدیک خردمندان به خفت رای منسوب گردد.

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@hamed Nov. 14, 2024, 7:21 p.m.

This story emphasizes the importance of choosing the right person for important tasks, as entrusting them to the unqualified can lead to unfortunate outcomes and reflects poorly on the decision-maker’s judgment.