Hekayat 15 from Chapter 7 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on November 14, 2024 by @hamed 37 1

English Translation for Hekayat

One of the great religious leaders lost a son. When people asked what should be inscribed on his son's grave, he replied, “The verses of the Holy Book are far too honored and noble to be written on such places where, over time, they would wear away, people would pass over them, and even dogs might urinate on them. If anything must be written, let this verse suffice:

‘Oh, how each time the greenery bloomed in the garden,
My heart filled with delight.
Pass by, dear friend, until the season of spring,
When you’ll see green grass bloom upon my grave.’”

متن حکایت

یکی را از بزرگان ائمه پسری وفات یافت. پرسیدند که بر صندوق گورش چه نویسیم؟ گفت: آیات کتاب مجید را عزت و شرف بیش از آن است که روا باشد بر چنین جایها نوشتن که به روزگار سوده گردد و خلایق بر او گذرند و سگان بر او شاشند. اگر به ضرورت چیزی همی‌نویسند این بیت کفایت است:

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@hamed Nov. 14, 2024, 7:23 p.m.

This expresses a gentle, humble wisdom, suggesting a simpler inscription in place of sacred words, acknowledging both the impermanence of life and the inevitability of renewal in nature.