Hekayat 17 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 09, 2024 by @hamed 37 0

English Translation for Hekayat

Similarly, a traveler lost his way in the vast desert. His strength and provisions were exhausted, though he had a few dirhams with him. He wandered for a long time but found no way out and eventually perished from hardship. A group of people found him, with the dirhams placed before him and these words written in the sand:

"Even if he has all the gold of Ja’far,

A man without provisions cannot take a step.

In the desert, for a poor, burnt-out man,

Cooked turnip is better than raw silver."

متن حکایت

همچنین در قاعِ بسیط مسافری گم شده بود و قوت و قوَّتش به آخر آمده و دِرَمی چند بر میان داشت، بسیاری بگردید و ره به جایی نبرد، پس به سختی هلاک شد. طایفه‌ای برسیدند و درم‌ها دیدند پیشِ رویش نهاده و بر خاک نبشته:

گر همه زَرِّ جعفرى دارد

مَردِ بى‌توشه برنگیرد گام

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