Hekayat 17 from Chapter 7 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on November 14, 2024 by @hamed 53 1

English Translation for Hekayat

One year, I was traveling from Balkh to Bamiyan, a route notorious for being dangerous due to bandits. A young man, a bold and powerful warrior, joined me for protection. He was strong enough that it took ten able men to string his bow, and no one could bring him down in a wrestling match. However, he was as you might expect: sheltered, pampered, untested by the world, and inexperienced in travel. He had never heard the thunder of warriors' drums or seen the flash of swords in battle.

"He had never fallen captive to an enemy,
Nor had arrows ever rained down upon him."

As we went on our way, the young man and I ran side by side. Whenever we encountered an ancient wall, he would bring it down with the strength of his arm, and when he saw a large tree, he would uproot it with his powerful grip. Boasting, he would declare:

"Where is the elephant to face my strong shoulders?
Where is the lion to see the might of my hands?"

At that moment, two bandits emerged from behind a rock and attacked us. One held a club, and the other wielded a stone-crushing mallet. I said to the young man, "What are you waiting for? Show your bravery and strength, for the enemy has come to meet his grave!"

But I saw the young man’s bow and arrows fall from his hands, and his bones began to tremble.

"Not everyone who can split hair with his arrows
Can hold his ground in the heat of battle."

Seeing no other choice, we abandoned our belongings, weapons, and clothes and escaped with our lives.

"Send the experienced to face heavy tasks,
For the ferocious lion can be brought down by a seasoned hand.
A young man, though strong as an elephant,
May falter from fear when facing an enemy."

"It is clear who can face a seasoned warrior,
Just as a religious scholar knows the law."

متن حکایت

سالی از بلخ بامیانم سفر بود و راه از حرامیان پر خطر. جوانی به بدرقه همراه من شد، سپربازِ چرخ‌انداز، سلحشورِ بیش‌زور که به ده مردِ توانا کمانِ او زه کردندی و زورآورانِ رویِ زمین پشت او بر زمین نیاوردندی ولیکن چنان که دانی متنعم بود و سایه‌پرورده نه جهاندیده و سفر کرده. رعد کوس دلاوران به گوشش نرسیده و برق شمشیر سواران ندیده.

نیفتاده بر دست دشمن اسیر

به گِردش نباریده باران تیر

اتفاقاً من و این جوان هر دو در پی هم دوان. هر آن دیوار قدیمش که پیش آمدی به قوّت بازو بیفکندی و هر درخت عظیم که دیدی به زور سرپنجه بر کندی و تفاخرکنان گفتی:

پیل کو تا کتف و بازوی گُردان بیند؟

شیر کو تا کف و سر پنجهٔ مردان بیند؟

ما در این حالت که دو هندو از پس سنگی سر بر آوردند و قصد قتال ما کردند. به دست یکی چوبی و در بغل آن دیگر کلوخ کوبی. جوان را گفتم: چه پایی؟

بیار آنچه داری ز مردی و زور

که دشمن به پای خود آمد به گور

تیر و کمان را دیدم از دست جوان افتاده و لرزه بر استخوان.

نه هر که موی شکافد به تیر جوشن‌خای

به روز حملهٔ جنگاوران بدارد پای

چاره جز آن ندیدیم که رخت و سلاح و جامه‌ها رها کردیم و جان به سلامت بیاوردیم.

به کارهای گران مرد کاردیده فرست

که شیر شرزه در آرد به زیر خمّ کمند

جوان اگر چه قوی‌یال و پیلتن باشد

به جنگ دشمنش از هول بگسلد پیوند

نبرد پیش مصاف‌آزموده معلوم است

چنان که مسألهٔ شرع پیش دانشمند

@hamed Nov. 14, 2024, 7:27 p.m.

This story highlights the importance of experience over mere strength and the wisdom in knowing when to rely on seasoned individuals rather than untested confidence.