Hekayat 2 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi
English Translation for Hekayat
Two princes were in Egypt, one learned knowledge and the other amassed wealth. Eventually, one became a scholar of the age, and the other became the ruler of Egypt.
The wealthy one looked down upon the scholar and said: “I have attained sovereignty, while he remains in poverty.”
The scholar replied: "O brother! The gratitude for the blessings of the Almighty, exalted be His name, is greater for me, for I have inherited the legacy of the prophets, which is knowledge, while you have inherited the legacy of Pharaoh and Haman, which is the kingdom of Egypt.
I am like an ant that is crushed underfoot,
Not a bee that causes pain with its sting.
How can I adequately thank for this blessing,
That I do not have the power to harm others?"
متن حکایت
دو امیرزاده در مصر بودند، یکی علم آموخت و دیگر مال اندوخت. عاقبةالاَمر آن یکی عَلّامهٔ عصر گشت و این یکی عزیزِ مصر شد.
پس این توانگر به چشمِ حقارت در فقیه نظر کردی و گفتی: من به سلطنت رسیدم و این همچنان در مَسْکَنَت بمانده است.
گفت: ای برادر! شکرِ نعمتِ باری، عَزَّاِسْمُهُ، همچنان افزونتر است بر من که میراثِ پیغمبران یافتم یعنی علم و تو را میراثِ فرعون و هامان رسید یعنی مُلکِ مصر.
من آن مورم که در پایم بمالند
نه زنبورم که از دستم بنالند
کجا خود شُکرِ این نعمت گزارم
که زورِ مردمآزاری ندارم؟