Hekayat 2 from Chapter 4 of Golestan of Saadi Shirazi
English Translation for Hekayat
A merchant suffered a loss of a thousand dinars. He said to his son: “You must not mention this to anyone.” The son replied: “Father, I will obey your command and not speak of it. However, I wish to understand the benefit of keeping it secret.” The father said: “So that the misfortune does not become twofold: one, the loss of wealth, and two, the gloating of neighbors.”
Do not share your sorrow with enemies,
For they will rejoice and say ‘There is no power [but with God]’ in mockery.
متن حکایت
بازرگانی را هزار دینار خسارت افتاد. پسر را گفت: نباید که این سخن با کسی در میان نهی. گفت: ای پدر! فرمان تو راست، نگویم، ولکن خواهم مرا بر فایدهٔ این مطلع گردانی که مصلحت در نهان داشتن چیست؟ گفت: تا مصیبت دو نشود: یکی نقصان مایه و دیگر شماتت همسایه.
مگوی انده خویش با دشمنان
که لاحول گویند شادیکنان