Hekayat 2 from Chapter 5 of Gplenstan of Saadi Shirazi

Posted on September 18, 2024 by hamed

They say a master had a slave of rare beauty, and he looked upon him with affection and devotion.
The master once said to one of his friends, "It's a shame that this slave, with all his beauty and charm, behaves with such insolence and lack of respect."
The friend replied, "Oh brother! When you admit to a relationship of affection, do not expect obedience, for when love enters between the lover and the beloved, the roles of master and servant disappear."

When the master and the radiant-faced slave
Engage in play and laughter,
It’s no surprise that the master obeys,
And the slave bears the burden of affection.

گویند خواجه‌ای را بنده‌ای نادر الحسن بود و با وی به سبیل مودت و دیانت نظری داشت.

با یکی از دوستان گفت: دریغ این بنده با حسن و شمایلی که دارد اگر زبان درازی و بی ادبی نکردی.

گفت: ای برادر! چو اقرار دوستی کردی توقع خدمت مدار که چون عاشق و معشوقی در میان آمد مالک و مملوک برخاست.

خواجه با بندهٔ پری رخسار

چون در آمد به بازی و خنده

نه عجب کاو چو خواجه حکم کند

واین کشد بار ناز چون بنده

@hamed Sept. 18, 2024, 6:33 a.m.

This Hekayat illustrates how love can blur the traditional roles of authority and servitude, with affection taking precedence over formal expectations.

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About Hekayat
Hekayat is a form of prose in Persian literature.