Hekayat 2 from Golestan of Saadi
English Translation for Hekayat
One of the kings of Khorasan saw Mahmud of Ghazni in a dream, where his entire body had disintegrated into dust except for his eyes, which continued to move and observe. The other wise men were baffled by the interpretation of this dream, except for a dervish who explained, “He is still watching because his kingdom is in the hands of others.”
Many renowned men have been buried underground, From whose existence on the earth no trace remains.
And that old corpse which they entrusted to the earth, The soil consumed it so completely that not even bones remain.
The good name of the fortunate Nushirvan lives on, Though many years have passed since Nushirvan himself is gone.
Do good, O noble one, and seize the opportunity of life, Before a cry arises that such a one is no more.
متن حکایت
یکی از ملوکِ خراسان محمودِ سبکتگین را به خواب چنان دید که جمله وجود او ریخته بود و خاک شده مگر چشمان او که همچنان در چشمخانه همیگردید و نظر میکرد. سایر حکما از تأویل این فروماندند مگر درویشی که به جای آورد و گفت: هنوز نگران است که مُلکش با دگران است.
بس نامور به زیر زمین دفن کردهاند
کز هستیش به رویِ زمین بر، نشان نماند
وآنْ پیرْ لاشه را که سپردند زیر گِل
خاکش چنان بخورد کزو استخوان نماند
زندهست نام فَرّخِ نوشینروان به خیر
گرچه بسی گذشت که نوشینروان نماند
خیری کن ای فلان و غنیمت شمار عمر
زآن پیشتر که بانگ بر آید: فلان نماند