Hekayat 21 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 08, 2024 by @hamed 33 0

English Translation for Hekayat

They asked Luqman: “From whom did you learn manners?”

He replied: “From the ill-mannered; whatever I found disagreeable in their behavior, I avoided doing.”

They do not say a word in jest

From which the wise do not take a lesson

And if a hundred chapters of wisdom are read to a fool

They will seem like a joke to his ears

متن حکایت

لقمان را گفتند: ادب از که آموختی؟

گفت: از بی ادبان؛ هر چه از ایشان در نظرم ناپسند آمد از فعلِ آن پرهیز کردم.


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