Hekayat 21 from Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 06, 2024 by @hamed 34 0

English Translation for Hekayat

They tell the story of a troublemaker who threw a stone at a pious man. The dervish had no opportunity for revenge, so he kept the stone. Later, when the king became angry with that troublemaker and threw him into a well, the dervish went in and struck him on the head with the stone. The troublemaker asked, “Who are you, and why did you hit me with this stone?” The dervish replied, “I am so-and-so, and this is the same stone you threw at me on such-and-such a date.” The troublemaker asked, “Where have you been all this time?” The dervish said, “I was afraid of your power. Now that I see you in the well, I seized the opportunity.”

When you see a scoundrel in good fortune, The wise surrender their choice.

If you do not have sharp claws, It is better not to fight with wild beasts.

Whoever wrestles with a man of steel, Will only injure his own arm.

Wait until fate binds his hands, Then crush his brain to please your friends.

متن حکایت

مردم‌آزاری را حکایت کنند که سنگی بر سر صالحی زد. درویش را مجالِ انتقام نبود. سنگ را نگاه همی‌داشت تا زمانی که مَلِک را بر آن لشکری خشم آمد و در چاه کرد. درویش اندر آمد و سنگ در سرش کوفت. گفتا: تو کیستی و مرا این سنگ چرا زدی؟ گفت: من فلانم و این همان سنگ است که در فلان تاریخ بر سر من زدی. گفت: چندین روزگار کجا بودی؟ گفت: از جاهت اندیشه همی‌کردم. اکنون که در چاهت دیدم، فرصت غنیمت دانستم.

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