Hekayat 22 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi
English Translation for Hekayat
They tell a story of a devout man who ate ten man (a unit of weight) of food in one night and prayed until dawn.
A wise person heard this and said: “If he had eaten half a loaf of bread and slept, it would have been much better.”
Keep your stomach empty of food
So that you may see the light of knowledge within
You are devoid of wisdom because
You are full of food up to your eyes
متن حکایت
عابدی را حکایت کنند که شبی ده مَن طعام بخوردی و تا سحر خَتْمی در نماز بکردی.
صاحبدلی شنید و گفت: اگر نیم نانی بخوردی و بخفتی، بسیار از این فاضلتر بودی.
اندرون از طعام خالی دار
تا در او نورِ معرفت بینی
تهی از حکمتی به علّتِ آن
که پُری از طعام تا بینی