Hekayat 22 from Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 06, 2024 by @hamed 33 0

English Translation for Hekayat

One of the kings had a dreadful illness, the details of which are better left unsaid. The Greek physicians agreed that the only cure for this ailment was the gall of a person with specific qualities. The king ordered such a person to be found.

They found a farmer’s son who matched the physicians’ description. They summoned his parents and pleased them with abundant gifts. The judge issued a decree that it was permissible to shed the blood of one subject for the king’s health. The executioner approached, and the boy looked up to the sky and smiled. The king asked, “Why do you smile in such a situation?” The boy replied, “Children’s pride is in their parents, and they seek justice from the judge and the king. Now, my parents have handed me over to death for worldly gain, the judge has decreed my execution, and the king sees his own welfare in my destruction; I see no refuge except in God, the Almighty.”

To whom shall I complain about your hand? Even if I seek justice from you, it is still your hand.

The king’s heart was moved by these words, and tears welled up in his eyes. He said, “My death is preferable to shedding innocent blood.” He kissed the boy’s head and eyes, embraced him, bestowed upon him immense wealth, and set him free. It is said that the king was cured within that same week.

I am still pondering the verse spoken by the elephant driver on the banks of the Nile:

“If you knew the plight of the ant under your foot, It is the same as your plight under the foot of the elephant.”

متن حکایت

یکی را از ملوک مرضی هایل بود که اِعادتِ ذکرِ آن ناکردن اَوْلیٰ. طایفهٔ حکمایِ یونان متفّق شدند که مر این درد را دوایی نیست مگر زَهْرهٔ آدمی به چندین صفت موصوف. بفرمود طلب کردن.

دهقان‌پسری یافتند بر آن صورت که حکیمان گفته بودند. پدرش را و مادرش را بخواند و به نعمتِ بیکران خشنود گردانیدند و قاضی فَتویٰ داد که خونِ یکی از رعیّت ریختن سلامتِ پادشه را، روا باشد. جلّاد قصد کرد، پسر سر سویِ آسمان بر آورد و تبسّم کرد. ملک پرسیدش که در این حالت چه جای خندیدن است؟ گفت: نازِ فرزندان بر پدران و مادران باشد و دعوی پیشِ قاضی برند و داد از پادشه خواهند. اکنون پدر و مادر به علّت حُطامِ دنیا مرا به خون درسپردند و قاضی به کشتن فَتویٰ داد و سلطان مصالحِ خویش اندر هلاکِ من همی‌بیند؛ به جز خدای عَزَّوَجَلَّ، پناهی نمی‌بینم.

پیشِ که بر آورم ز دستت فریاد؟

هم پیشِ تو از دستِ تو گر خواهم داد

سلطان را دل از این سخن به هم بر آمد و آب در دیده بگردانید و گفت: هلاکِ من اولیٰ‌تر است از خونِ بی‌گناهی ریختن. سر و چشمش ببوسید و در کنار گرفت و نعمتِ بی‌اندازه بخشید و آزاد کرد، و گویند هم در آن هفته شفا یافت.

همچنان در فکرِ آن بیتم که گفت

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