Hekayat 24 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 08, 2024 by hamed

I complained to one of the elders that someone had testified to my corruption.

He said: “Shame him with your virtue!”


Be of good conduct so that the ill-wisher

Finds no opportunity to speak of your faults.


When the tune of the lute is harmonious,

How can the musician be blamed?

پیشِ یکی از مشایخ گله کردم که: فلان به فَسادِ من گواهی داده است.

گفتا: به صَلاحش خجل کن!


تو نیکو روِش باش تا بَدسگال

به نقصِ تو گفتن نیابد مَجال


چو آهنگِ بربَط بود مستقیم

کی از دستِ مطرب خورد گوشمال؟

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About Hekayat
Hekayat is a form of prose in Persian literature.