Hekayat 24 from Chapter 2 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 08, 2024 by @hamed 33 0

English Translation for Hekayat

I complained to one of the elders that someone had testified to my corruption.

He said: “Shame him with your virtue!”


Be of good conduct so that the ill-wisher

Finds no opportunity to speak of your faults.


When the tune of the lute is harmonious,

How can the musician be blamed?

متن حکایت

پیشِ یکی از مشایخ گله کردم که: فلان به فَسادِ من گواهی داده است.

گفتا: به صَلاحش خجل کن!


تو نیکو روِش باش تا بَدسگال

به نقصِ تو گفتن نیابد مَجال


چو آهنگِ بربَط بود مستقیم

کی از دستِ مطرب خورد گوشمال؟