Hekayat 24 from Chapter 3 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 09, 2024 by @hamed 43 0

English Translation for Hekayat

A man with amputated hands and feet killed a millipede. A wise man passed by and said: “Glory be to God! Despite having a thousand feet, when its time came, it could not escape due to its helplessness.”

"When the life-taking enemy comes,

Death binds the feet of the running horse.

At that moment when the enemy arrives,

Even the royal bow cannot be drawn."

متن حکایت

دست‌و‌پا‌بریده‌ای هزارپایی بکُشت. صاحب‌دلی بر او گذر کرد و گفت: سُبْحٰان‌َالله! با هزار پایْ که داشت چون اجلش فرا‌رسید از بی‌دست‌و‌پایی گریختن نتوانست.

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