Hekayat 24 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on November 25, 2024 by @hamed 41 1

English Translation for Hekayat

Strike the head of the snake with the enemy's hand, for it will not be devoid of one of the two benefits: If this one prevails, you have killed the snake, and if that one prevails, you are rid of the enemy.

Do not feel safe from a weak enemy on the battlefield,

For they will overcome you like extracting the marrow from a lion’s brain once the heart is detached from the body.

متن حکایت

سر ِ مار به دست ِ دشمن بکوب که از اِحدَی الحُسنَیَین خالی نباشد: اگر این غالب آمد، مار کُشتی و گر آن، از دشمن رَستی.

به روز ِ معرکه ایمِن مشو ز خصم ِ ضعیف

که مغز ِ شیر برآرد چو دل ز جان برداشت

@hamed Nov. 25, 2024, 4:51 p.m.

Saadi's words remind us that even seemingly weak adversaries can pose significant threats, and it's wise to use strategic means to neutralize dangers effectively. His insights into human nature and conflict are timeless and deeply thought-provoking.