Hekayat 26 from Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 06, 2024 by @hamed 34 0

English Translation for Hekayat

They tell the story of a tyrant who bought firewood from the poor at an unfair price and gave it to the rich for free. A wise man passed by and said to him:

You are like a snake that bites everyone it sees, Or an owl that ruins every place it sits. Your power may prevail over us, But it will not prevail over the All-Knowing God. Do not oppress the people of the earth, So that their prayers do not reach the heavens.

The tyrant was annoyed by his words, frowned, and ignored his advice. One night, a fire from the kitchen spread to his firewood storage and burned down his other properties, reducing his soft bed to warm ashes. By chance, the same wise man passed by and saw him saying to his companions, “I do not know where this fire came from.” The wise man said, “It came from the hearts of the oppressed.”

Beware of the pain of wounded hearts, For the end of a wounded heart is destruction. Do not break a heart if you can, For a single sigh can bring down a whole world.

On the crown of Khosrow was inscribed:

For many years and long ages, People will walk over our graves. Just as the kingdom has come to us hand in hand, It will pass to others in the same way.

متن حکایت

ظالمی را حکایت کنند که هیزمِ درویشان خریدی به حَیف و توانگران را دادی به طَرْح. صاحبدلی بر او گذر کرد و گفت:

ماری تو که هر که را ببینی، بزنی

یا بوم که هر کجا نشینی، بکنی

زورت ار پیش می‌رود با ما

با خداوند غیب‌دان نرود

زورمندی مکن بر اهلِ زمین

تا دعایی بر آسمان نرود

حاکم از گفتن او برنجید و روی از نصیحتِ او در هم کشید و بر او التفات نکرد، تا شبی که آتشِ مَطبَخ در انبارِ هیزمش افتاد و سایرِ املاکش بسوخت وز بسترِ نرمش به خاکسترِ گرم نشاند. اتّفاقاً همان شخص بر او بگذشت و دیدش که با یاران همی‌گفت: ندانم این آتش از کجا در سرایِ من افتاد؟ گفت: از دلِ درویشان.

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