Hekayat 28 from Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 06, 2024 by @hamed 32 0

English Translation for Hekayat

A dervish was sitting alone in a corner when a king passed by. The dervish, content with his state of detachment, did not raise his head or pay any attention. The king, accustomed to the awe of his subjects, was offended and said, “These ascetics are like animals; they have no sense of propriety or humanity.” The minister approached the dervish and said, “O noble one! The king of the world passed by you. Why did you not show respect and perform your duty of service?” The dervish replied, “Tell the king to expect service from those who expect favors from him. Also, know that kings exist to protect their subjects, not the subjects to serve the kings.”

The king is the guardian of the dervish, Though his comfort lies in the king’s power. The sheep are not for the shepherd, But the shepherd is for the service of the sheep.

One day you see someone in prosperity, Another day, their heart is wounded from struggle. Wait a few days, and the earth will consume The brain of the one who was full of thoughts.

The difference between kingship and servitude disappears When the written decree of fate arrives. If someone digs up the grave of the dead, They will not distinguish between the rich and the poor.

The king was impressed by the dervish’s words and said, “Ask me for something.” The dervish replied, “I ask that you do not trouble me again.” The king said, “Give me some advice.” The dervish said:

“Take advantage of your current blessings, For this power and kingdom will pass from hand to hand.”

متن حکایت

درویشی مجرّد به گوشه‌ای نشسته بود. پادشاهی بر او بگذشت. درویش از آنجا که فَراغِ مُلکِ قناعت است، سر بر نیاورد و التفات نکرد. سلطان از آنجا که سَطْوَتِ سلطنت است، برنجید و گفت: این طایفهٔ خرقه‌پوشان امثالِ حیوان‌اند و اهلیّت و آدمیّت ندارند. وزیر نزدیکش آمد و گفت: ای جوانمرد! سلطانِ رویِ زمین بر تو گذر کرد چرا خدمتی نکردی و شرطِ ادب به جای نیاوردی؟ گفت: سلطان را بگوی توقّعِ خدمت از کسی دار که توقّعِ نعمت از تو دارد و دیگر؛ بدان که ملوک از بهرِ پاسِ رعیّت‌اند نه رعیّت از بهرِ طاعتِ ملوک.

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