Hekayat 29 from Golestan of Saadi

Posted on September 06, 2024 by @hamed 39 0

English Translation for Hekayat

One of the ministers went to Dhu’l-Nun the Egyptian and sought his help, saying, “Day and night I am occupied in the service of the king, hoping for his favor and fearing his punishment.” Dhu’l-Nun wept and said, “If I worshipped God, the Almighty, as you serve the king, I would be among the righteous.”

If it were not for hope and fear of comfort and pain, The dervish’s feet would be in the heavens.

If the minister feared God as he fears the king, He would be an angel.

متن حکایت

یکی از وزرا پیش ذوالنّون مصری رفت و همّت خواست؛ که روز و شب به خدمتِ سلطان مشغولم و به خیرش امیدوار و از عقوبتش ترسان. ذوالنّون بگریست و گفت: اگر من خدای را، عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ، چنین پرستیدمی که تو سلطان را، از جملهٔ صِدّیقان بودمی.


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