Hekayat 3 from Chapter 5 of Golestan of Saadi Shirazi

Posted on September 18, 2024 by @hamed 43 1

English Translation for Hekayat

I saw a pious man who had become infatuated with someone, unable to bear the pain of separation and yet too shy to express his feelings. Despite facing much reproach and suffering, he did not abandon his love, saying:

"I will not let go of your skirt,
Even if you strike me with a sharp sword.
There is no refuge after you,
If I flee, it is still to you that I return."

Once, I reproached him and asked, "What happened to your sound mind, that your base desires have overtaken you?" He paused for a moment in thought and replied:

"Wherever the king of love arrives,
There is no place left for the strength of piety.
How can a virtuous person survive
When caught in the mire up to their neck?"

متن حکایت

پارسایی را دیدم به محبت شخصی گرفتار نه طاقت صبر و نه یارای گفتار. چندان که ملامت دیدی و غرامت کشیدی ترک تصابی نگفتی و گفتی:

کوته نکنم ز دامنت دست

ور خود بزنی به تیغ تیزم

بعد از تو ملاذ و ملجائی نیست

هم در تو گریزم ار گریزم

باری ملامتش کردم و گفتم: عقل نفیست را چه شد تا نفس خسیس غالب آمد؟ زمانی به فکرت فرو رفت و گفت:

هر کجا سلطان عشق آمد نماند

قوّت بازوی تقوی را محل

پاکدامن چون زید بیچاره‌ای

اوفتاده تا گریبان در وحل

@hamed Sept. 18, 2024, 6:35 a.m.

This Hekayat reflects on the overwhelming nature of love, which can overpower even the strongest willpower and sense of virtue.