Hekayat 3 from Chapter 7 of Golestan of Saadi

Posted on November 14, 2024 by @hamed 47 1

English Translation for Hekayat

One of the scholars was teaching a prince and would strike him without hesitation and scold him harshly. Eventually, the prince, unable to endure it any longer, complained to his father, revealing his bruised and wounded body. The king’s heart was deeply disturbed.

He summoned the teacher and asked, "Why is it that you don’t subject the children of common people to such extreme harshness and rebukes? What is the reason for treating my son this way?"

The teacher replied, "The reason is that one must speak thoughtfully and act righteously, as all people in general, and kings in particular, are watched closely. Anything they say or do is inevitably repeated among the people, while the words and actions of ordinary people hold little significance.

If a hundred improper acts are done by a poor man,
His friends will scarcely notice a single one.
But if a king utters a single jest,
It will spread from one region to another.

Therefore, it is necessary for a teacher of a royal child to put even more effort into cultivating the virtues of princes, as God has blessed them with special potential, than in teaching the common people.

For if a child is not disciplined in youth,
He will find no success in adulthood.
While a green stick can be bent as you wish,
Once dry, it will only straighten in fire.

The king found the scholar's wisdom and his reply in line with his own judgment. So he rewarded the teacher with gifts and elevated him to a higher rank."

متن حکایت

یکی از فضلا تعلیم ملک زاده‌ای همی‌داد و ضرب بی محابا زدی و زجر بی قیاس کردی. باری پسر از بی طاقتی شکایت پیش پدر برد و جامه از تن دردمند برداشت. پدر را دل به هم بر آمد.

استاد را گفت که پسران آحاد رعیت را چندین جفا و توبیخ روا نمی داری که فرزند مرا سبب چیست؟

گفت: سبب آن که سخن اندیشیده باید گفت و حرکت پسندیده کردن همه خلق را علی العموم و پادشاهان را علی الخصوص، به موجب آن که بر دست و زبان ایشان هر چه رفته شود هر آینه به افواه بگویند و قول و فعل عوام الناس را چندان اعتباری نباشد.

اگر صد ناپسند آید ز درویش

رفیقانش یکی از صد ندانند

وگر یک بذله گوید پادشاهی

از اقلیمی به اقلیمی رسانند

پس واجب آمد معلم پادشه زاده را در تهذیب اخلاق خداوندزادگان أنبَتَهم اللهُ نباتاً حسناً اجتهاد از آن بیش کردن که در حقّ عوام.

هر که در خردیش ادب نکنند

در بزرگی فلاح از او برخاست

چوب تر را چنان که خواهی پیچ

نشود خشک جز به آتش راست

ملک را حسن تدبیر فقیه و تقریر جواب او موافق رای آمد. خلعت و نعمت بخشید و پایه منصب بلند گردانید.

@hamed Nov. 14, 2024, 4:05 p.m.

This story reflects Saadi’s view on the importance of proper upbringing, particularly for those in positions of influence, like princes, as their actions can have far-reaching consequences.