Hekayat 3 from Chapter 8 of Golestan of Saadi
English Translation for Hekayat
Two types of people labor in vain and strive without benefit:
One who hoards wealth but does not use it,
And another who gains knowledge but does not act upon it.
No matter how much knowledge you acquire,
Without action, you remain ignorant.
Such a person is neither a true scholar nor wise,
But like a donkey carrying a load of books.
What does that empty-headed creature know,
Whether it is carrying firewood or valuable manuscripts?
متن حکایت
دو کس رنج بیهوده بردند و سعی بیفایده کردند: یکی آن که اندوخت و نخورد و دیگر آن که آموخت و نکرد.
علم چندان که بیشتر خوانی
چون عمل در تو نیست نادانی
نه محقّق بود نه دانشمند
چارپایی بر او کتابی چند
آن تهیمغز را چه علم و خبر
که بر او هیزم است یا دفتر